Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Back on track, maybe

I haven't redone my measurements since September, but thanks to Wii Fit, I do at least know how much I weigh (we do not own a scale). I hover between 132 and 134, so I'm at least lower, but not quite where I want to be yet. I do know that as I get closer, I keep feeling tempted to move my goal. I'd really like to be 120, but I think 125 would be ok. It really depends on the muscles and how I look. I have these fantasies of what I'd love to look like, but I'm not really sure how realistic it is. Not because I can't lose weight, but because of my bone and muscle structure. I'm not one of those skinny girls who has really little bones and gets really tiny. Even when I was thin and in great shape when I was younger, I never looked like that. I've always had meat on my bones and I build muscle mass easily. I think I need to find some pictures of some more healthy women who are a little more built for me to set my sights on, rather than the annoying bombardment of models in all the cute clothes that look horrible on me.

At any rate, Andy and I are headed back to the gym tomorrow morning. It's been about two months since I last went, and when I did, it was the first time I'd run a continuous mile without walking or stopping since I was in high school. I'd like to keep that momentum going, and maybe down the road even participate in some kind of 5K run or half marathon and actually run it. I said maybe. Maybe I'm just still on the high from watching The Biggest Loser.

Anyway, that's where I'm at. I'm not going to go crazy, because when I do, I do worse than when I just take a more laid back approach. So, step one, go back to the gym. When weather gets warmer (ie, May), I plan on taking the two older kids jogging with me several times a week to build up their stamina for soccer next year. That's the plan, and I'd love to hear how others are doing!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I don't know about the rest of you, but I tried to get kind of dressed up last night and ended up with my whole closet in a pile on the floor because NOTHING FIT!!! I have got to do something, but I have no willpower! We are close to having the kitchen done, so I am going to try again. I think I am going to try to cut the sugar...again. Starting tomorrow, I will be on a new track and I will let you know how it goes. I will update my weight, too. I'm sure it has gone up. This is ridiculous! How did I do it before? I swore then, that I would never let myself get out of control again, and here I am...out of control!!! Just about all of the good junk food is gone (off the shelves and on my stomach) so I am going to try again. Wish me luck!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Are we done?

I'm wondering if we're supposed to be posting "after" pictures now, or if we're continuing, or...?

Anyone, anyone, anyone...

Last week I only got to the gym one day, and the rest of the week was incredibly busy and stressful. On the upside, I got a new job. The downside of that of course is that my time is much more limited now because I have to start my training. I'm still going to try to fit in going to the gym and cooking a good dinner, but that's always a struggle with working, kids' school, kids' soccer, etc.

I did lose some weight over the past few weeks and I've seen some minor changes in my stomach and my legs, but I haven't taken any measurements yet. Let me know when to post my stats! I'm anxious to see how everyone else did too!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Doing better

I've been getting back to the gym a little more regularly after my week off, and my eating has gotten back on track. I'm not being very restrictive, but I make sure that I cook healthy dinners and I'm not eating any fried food or fast food. I've been averaging burning about 330 calories per trip to the gym, so I know that's helping!

I hope you all are doing well! So far today I've eaten a bowl of corn flakes with some milk, a cup of coffee, some water, cream of potato soup and a small turkey sandwich with a Diet Coke for lunch. I even went to Costco yesterday and I didn't eat ANY of the free samples!!!

OK, where'd everyone go???

I know that i am guilty also but, where the heck did everyone run off to?? is there anyone out there anymore?? i need to run alex up to the bus stop but believe me when i say... I WILL BE BACK!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A little psychology and a lot of excuses

Ok, so, it would seem that merely the knowledge that I CAN'T have something makes me want it all the more. I made it about three days before I full on rebelled. I started with a little cheating, then just went "forget it." I had some big time PMS this week which didn't help, and then yesterday I woke up feeling the beginnings of a bladder infection. I'm ok now, successfully fought off and all that, but I obviously wasn't going to the gym feeling like that. I've been eating better for the last few weeks and have been going to the gym. I had lost a couple of pounds by doing that, and I've been binging more since trying to diet than I did before I started. So, I'm out with the diet. However, I am still all about being more conscious of what I'm eating and the quantity I'm eating. I'm also all about getting back into the gym every day next week. I haven't given up on trying to lose weight or get healthier, just changing the way in which I'm trying to accomplish these goals. I cannot live without bread or soda, so there it is. Today I even had two slices of pizza and half of a doughnut, but we were also painting the church all day, so I cut myself some slack! I'll still keep you all updated as to what I'm eating, but it's probably going to be a lot worse than what all of you are eating :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Day 5

Well, I did pretty good today except for the stupid kid cookies. I thought I bought the nasty generic kind, but walmarts generic kind are pretty darn good!

  • oatmeal ~ 160
  • chili ~ ?? can't remember, but it wasn't bad. I had it figured out before, but the papers are packed with my kitchen stuff.
  • flat iron steak? don't know that either. Matt threw the wrapper away before I looked at the info.
  • too many cookies!!
I am not doing so hot. I hope the rest of you are doing better than me!

Have a great weekend.

Day 5's food journal

Woke up in a total binge mood but managed to maintain some control over myself....

120 - kids cliff bar - cant seem to stay away from these :(
170 - 1 oz pistachios
60 - 1/2 oz beef jerky
70 - white chocolate lindt ball
0 - 32 oz diet coke
105 - 3 laughing cow cheese
130 - 14 rice crackers

I'll add the rest of my day later and total up those calories. Right now there is 180 calories in the form of a kilt lifter calling my name!

180 - kilt lifter
1/2 jerky
1/2 oz almonds
2 slices of pizza
120 - another of those cliff bars

7 mi walk through town and back (Garin checked his GPS, not 8 miles although my blisters say otherwise). Will total calories later but it aint gonna be pretty.

Wanting to snack.

It's 2:15 on day 5 and I want to snack! I haven't blown it yet. I have had some of my pre portioned trail mix which isn't great because of the M&M's but that is all. I will write out the calories later. No gym today due to ankle owie. Too much running. Won't be able to hit the gym again until Monday.


where has everyone been??

good afternoon ladies! where is my support?? where has everyone gone?? i posted pic's w/ not getting even one comment!! sniff sniff.... maybe everyone left already for the long weekend?? going slow today (even with the sun shinning bright!) had my smoothie for breakfast and getting ready to figure out what to have for lunch... check in ltr!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

before pics of Erica - blech! come on after pics!!


OK, I totally blew it tonight. I have been so frustrated and bloated, that tonight I figured, "what the heck" and went and had breadsticks at target. I was full after two of the three, but did I stop? NO! Bad Jennie!! I even had a couple of kid cookies. I was doing so well today!! I even got Nate a happy meal and didn't even steal a fry!

Here's the run down:

  • 1/2 packet of oatmeal (couldn't finish the whole bowl) ~ 80
  • balance bar after gym ~ 210
  • 1 sugar free hard candy ~ 10
  • turkey sandwich ~ 200 (had a whole. should have just had a half)
  • 2 kid cookies ~ 120 (WOW!!!! the little generic brand oreo type)
  • breadsticks ~ 140...each!!! AURGH!!! total ~ 480!!! Oh my...
  • 2 or 3 more cookies as I walked by the table...oops. let's just say ~ 200
Grand total about 13oo calories. At least a burned a couple hundred off at the gym.

It's frustrating to feel like you are working so hard and not feel any results. Looking back to my food journal from February 23rd, I was 12 pounds lighter. Two days after starting, I was down two pounds and even wrote down that I felt skinnier already because the bloated feeling was gone from drinking pop. I think that is why I'm so discouraged this time. I feel just as huge and bloated.

Well, as Scarlett used to say...tomorrow is another day.

I hope you all had a better day than I did. Where are all the posts? It's so quiet!

Day four!!!

Good evening ladies!

So i started the day off on another good note with a smoothie, hard boiled egg and coffee...

Jennie, thanks for coming over and taking pic's of me (even though i wasn't that happy with the way they turned out!!) I will get those posted as soon as i am done typing this! after jennie left for home, i ran up to grocery outlet and picked up some frozen fruit and craisins

I don't remember what i had for lunch but i am sure it consisted of a salad and other greens... :P

We had Alex's open house at school so I had another salad....

I don't think i have eaten enough because my head is pounding right now... i need sugar!!!

have a good evening!

Ugh! Day 4

Guilty of late night snacking again last night. So, just for the record, add a childrens cliff bar and 1/2 oz of pistachios.

0 - 64 oz DC - (I had an anxious day between job interview & dr's appt and DC is my vice)
120 - Lara Bar
70 - 1 oz original jerky
330 - 1 fajita pita
180 - kilt lifter

It's 5:00 now so the rest of my calories are yet to be determined
170 - 1 oz pistachios (I wish we'd hurry up and run out of those)
240 - protein bar
0 - 32 oz water

a 4.2 mile walk through Ferndale.

If I can get myself to stop eating tonight that puts me at 1110 for the day!

One more good note:
The doctors scale says Ive lost 4lbs since last week! That's not 4 lbs in 4 days, just 4 lbs since I was at the doctors last.

9 days until my three hour intro to vinyasa yoga class.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Time Magazine Article

An article from Time Magazine: Why Exercise Wont Make you Thin

So day 3 was ok

Still have a killer headache and am starting to think it's not the lack of caffeine. Maybe reducing my soda intake has left me needing more water? Duh, ya think? Will try to remedy it tomorrow though.

0 - 32 oz DC
210 -Lara Bar
30 - Carrot
190 - Chilli
120 - Cliff bar
500 - whole grain spaghetti noodles 5 oz
80 - sauce 1/2 cup
160 - meatballs-6
0 - 32 oz water

Total 1290...if I added right

Bad News
Somehow had a total brain fart on the spaghetti noodles. Had it in my head that I needed to measure out 5 oz? What was I thinking? No wonder it felt like such a gut bomb by time I was finished.
Good News
The pasta was whole grain and I got some water in today

....and that's all she wrote

No More Dairy

I think I need to knock off the dairy, also. I have been using milk with my cereal and I feel so fat and bloated. I don't feel any better at all and I usually notice improvement by now when I am heating healthy. I usually don't have any milk, so I am hoping that is what is going on. It would be nice to feel better after so much exercise and healthy eating!

Finally Home...

Busy day. Feels like they are all like that.

Got the kids to the bus by 7:30 and got back home to get ready for the gym and get Nathaniel ready. Loaded up the groceries and headed out after a bowl of cereal...again. :(- Ran for 30 minutes and did some weights, got a berry smoothie and headed to my parents. Oh, I also turned into McDonalds on accident. It was total auto pilot. I pulled in to the Fred Meyer lot to get gas and the next thing I new I was pulling into the drive through lane. I had to do some quick maneuvering to get my truck out of there and went to get the gas. Too funny!

Made chili, boiled eggs, did dishes that I brought from my bathtub, made little 160 calorie snack bags of trail mix (to avoid over eating) and watched 17 again while the baby napped. Had a bowl of chili and some trail mix (I know, not good, but not McDonalds!!) and loaded back up to get the kids from the bus. Now I need to get some things put away and get my kids to work on handwriting.

Hope you are all having a good day! I am going to have tuna for dinner...I think. My planning ahead never really works. :)

1st 1/2 of Day 3

Last night ended horrible. Garin & I watched TV with an entire bag of pistachios and I'm sure I ate more than an ounce. So, add another 170 to yesterday. I hate late night snacking!

Today, so far so good. Lara Bar(210) & wendy's chilli (190) and of course my daily DC!

Bought a new bottle of essential oils for my smoothies and a book from Costco called The end of Over Eating. I find if I read health related articles while dieting I do better. Keeps me focused I guess. I'll let you know if it's any good :)

day three... the hardest so far!

Good morning ladies! i think today is going to be the hardest day so far... my tummy is extra growly today wanting more bad than good - i need some extra encouragement from you ladies~ i can do this, it will be worth it in the end...i will look better in my clothes... i am beautiful...

thanks! it's just going to be hard today, i can already tell!

No oatmeal :(

I went to go make oatmeal and I can' t even do that! I don't have any bowls that I can use for the microwave! Bake to cereal again. I really wanted oatmeal. So frustrating. It's hard to eat healthy with no kitchen.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

End of day two....

Good evening ladies, I survived day two of seriously cutting back and watching what i am stuffing in my face! I SURVIVED!!! WHOOO HOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!

Alex went for a walk with me (he rode his bike) and believe it or not, it felt great! I was supposed to walk w/ a neighbor this evening but she had a migraine. We plan to meet tomorrow afternoon to make up for today. For dinner i split a chicken breast with Alex and paired it w/ asparagus. it was really yummy! drank milk w/ dinner.

For a little treat to pass the time while watching the tube, I had raw almonds w/ craisins again while Rick popped popcorn-i hate him for doing that to me! he told me he was doing it for me! yeah right! he gave me the old maids to make up for it ( my fav ) so he is forgiven!

I came up here early to get some extra sleep so i better get to bed!
Thanks again everyone!

Day 2 totals

Just so I'm keeping track there was 590 from this morning plus 175 (beer) + 100 (veggies) + 130 (Honey Mustard) + 35 (rice cake) + (100) Tuna w/ miracle whip

So that's 1130 for day 2

I think on PRISM women needed at least 1000 calories and no more than 1200 calories

Day two for Chris

I did ok today, not quite as well as yesterday, but I was losing some motivation. I didn't make it to the gym today and I ate a little more "off-limits" stuff than I should have, but I had cramps and general ickiness feeling. You figure out why.

Breakfast consisted of oatmeal and coffee, then I had a turkey sandwich on wheat bread (I'm sorry, I had to do some bread. VERY limited food in the pantry and a very hungry Chris) and some leftover rice from last night, and a Diet Coke. Later for a snack I had a couple of crackers (low calorie and fat) and some carrots, as well as another Diet Coke. I had some water during Dono's soccer practice, then came home and made teriyaki stir fry with beef, green pepper, green onion, garlic, and some rice. I then two more Diet Cokes, sorry, followed by two chocolate chip cookies. All in all, not as good as yesterday, but I still feel pretty good about how I'm doing. I didn't drink as much water as usual, and had more soda, so I'll try to cut out that fourth Diet Coke again tomorrow and do more water. The soda and the bread are the hardest things for me to cut out.

On the upside, I got some money I was waiting for today so that I can actually buy a full amount of groceries for the house instead of the absolute bare minimum! Tomorrow I'm going to make a list and pick up some healthier options for snacking and desserts, since those are my biggest vices. Sounds like we're all off to a pretty good start!

Day Two Update

Here is what I had today:

  • cereal ~ 230
  • 1/2 turkey sandwhich (I know, I had bread, but I had to eat and I have no kitchen! I buy the Sara Lee 45 calories per slice) ~ 75
  • carrots ~ 30
  • baked potato ~ 270
  • balance bar ~ 210
  • water
I think that is all. I can't remember anything else. I'm trying to keep a journal, but it is downstairs and I'm not getting up. :)

Tomorrow I am hitting the gym and then going to my parents house to make chili and boil eggs. I love to snack on hard boiled eggs, but I don't like the yolk. I save it for Matt to have on salads.

Good luck everyone!


I just read some of your posts....is there a calorie limit?

I need some more suggestions for breakfast foods! The original flavored instant oatmeal is approaching its limit...two days in a row is plenty! I know that some of you are making smoothies out of fruit....so is it okay to have fruit even with the natural sugar?

missing kidney

Ok, didnt have the beer & carrots last night.

So today I went for the jerky again with my DC around 11:00 (250). Bag of baked lays with another 16oz of DC around 4:00 (120). Lara Bar around 6:00 (220) and most likely tuna on a rice cake for dinner with broccoli & carrots and maybe some more pistachios just cause I have them around and need more calories. Would like to get better at drinking water, having a healthier variety, exercise and vitamins but all in all not bad for day 2. Haven't been that hungry but the caffeine headaches are kill'n me! Pretty sad when going down to 32oz's a day is cutting back :)

On a better note I purchased a lindt white chocolate ball out of habit and managed to not only NOT eat it but I gave it away so I wouldn't be tempted later. Just so those of you who don't know me as well as Jennie understand, this is equivalent to giving away a kidney.

End of day one and doing good on day two so far!!

For lunch yesterday I had a small tuna salad with balsamic vinegar. (YUMMO) For snack i had craisins and almonds. I ended yesterday on a great note with ONE chicken/black bean burrito with salsa and cheese. The hardest part of this is saying no to "treats" in the evening!!

So I started the day well again (very proud of myself!) with a fruit smoothie and coffee... woke up VERY hungry so I ate it willingly!

I was low on fruits and other things so I made a run to Fred Meyer to stock up a little bit - came home with banana's, plouts, strawberries and protein powder for my smoothies. picked up some chicken breasts and salad/spinach/carrots and broccoli

For lunch today i had another tuna salad minus the balsamic vinegar. the vinegar was a little overwhelming!!

Dinner is the hardest to plan for me! I can only do so much chicken!!

Jennie, if you want to come measure me Thursday that would be great!! morning works best for me!

Thank you for all of your positive posts! It is very helpful to know that there are others out there struggling like I am, that there are others kicking themselves for letting themselves get to this place yet again!!!


I want to snack on something so badly!!! Maybe I'll break out the olives.

Monday, August 31, 2009

2nd 1/2 of day 1

100 in misc calories + 220 Lara Bar + 170 pitascios + another 16 oz diet coke + the rest of my jerky 160 + the 340 from this morning puts me at 990 for the day.

"Well aint that sweet!", she says with a southern twang. I can have a beer with my carrots and still be under 1200.


Didn't do too bad, considering...

Ok, so I cheated a little this evening, but for me I did really well! This morning I had oatmeal and coffee with NO sugar, then I made myself a banana, blueberry, and rasberry smoothie. Just fruit and ice. I had soup and a Diet Coke for lunch, then pork chops, brown rice, corn, and a salad with Italian dressing for dinner, plus another Diet Coke. I indulged in one beer (friends brought them and I just didn't have the willpower!), and one small chocolate chip cookie. I drank my water throughout the day though, and I did the treadmill for 50 minutes this morning (high incline, 3.5 mph). So, I wasn't perfect, but I think that all in all, it was a good day!

I'm better now

Sorry for the dismal post earlier today. I was a wreck. I am still tired, but know it just a normal, end of day tired. I was very good, but not perfect. Here is a rundown:
  • Organic raisen bran with flax seed
  • Applesauce
  • Baby carrots
  • Salad (while I watched everyone else have pizza @ Godfathers!)
  • Sm. handful of peanuts
  • Chili
  • 100 calorie grasshopper cookies (I had bought a box last week and there are a couple left. I can't just through them away!!! I won't buy anymore, I promise!)
  • Water (probably not enough)
I did go to the gym this morning and did 26 minutes cardio (half running, half fast walk) and then some quick weights. I didn't have a ton of time since we were heading to the kids new school.
Tomorrow I hope to get to the gym again.

I hope you all had a great day. Erica, I can come over Wednesday morning if you want to do pictures. Or Thursday.

Goodnight ladies! And gentleman...if there are any out there! Wally? Are you joining us?

I'm going to die!!

I am so tired that I can barely put two words together. We stopped on the way home to get some chicken to BBQ and Matt went to start the BBQ and there is no propane. I have been good all day and I really wanted some meat for dinner. I still have some frozen chili that I can warm up. Need to get some energy so I can look through the posts. Hope you all are feeling better than I am.


So I'm all about rewarding myself when I eat healthy

One of my staples when eating healthy is almonds. Not the salty / sugary flavored almonds but the raw almonds. They are so stink'n good for you and I think taste good, especially if you're loking for something with a little crunch. Costco by the way is the best place to buy raw almonds in bulk without breaking the bank. You can find them in the baking isle.

Anyway, an ounce is a serving which is about 23 almonds. Usually they are kept in a bag in my car, purse or pocket for emergencies or just to snack on but I just found the coolest little thing!!! It's a almond tin. It holds exactly one ounce and is only $2 bucks. Because my kids also eat almonds I've gotten one for everyone in the whole family. - Great for kids lunches too BTW - So here's a link if you're interested.....


Treat yourself to one....it's much less painful then the belly button peircing!

Day 1

Well, for breakfast (or lunch depending on when you get up) I had my daily diet coke and some beef jerky. I know, not the breakfast of champions but I did limit myself to 16oz of DC and got the plain flavored beef jerky vs the teriyaki. That was 160 calories. Lunch, sante fe soup, another 180 calories. Exercise, that's funny, no, I don't exercise. Did do lots of stretching in an attempt to regain the range of motion I had in my youth and signed up for a beginning yoga class...does that count?

So far so good but the evenings are my weakness so deep breath and on with the rest of the day. Good luck ladies!

Day One for Chris

Ok, so this morning I had some sugar free instant oatmeal (Safeway brand, flavored without the sugar, and only 100 calories!). I really wish we had Safeway out here...Anyway, I'm eating my oatmeal and I'm having coffee without any sugar in it. Ugh. Now I'm off to brush the girls' hair, take the kids to school, then I'm off to the gym to workout for an hour! Good luck everyone!

Day one!!

It's 7:40 in the morning of Day one and I have not had anything unhealthy to eat. Well, ok, I have only been awake about 5 minutes, but it's me we're talking about !! Going to go have my healthy cereal for breakfast and figure out what we are going to do on this last day of summer vacation.

Good luck today, ladies!!

By the way, I am not seeing too many before pictures or posts up here! :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Last night...

I have had nothing but junk the last two days, the last year, but who's counting. :) Let's see...Fries, cookies, licorice, burgers, ice cream, fries, cookies, donuts, pop, mocha's, you get the picture! Now I am home waiting for Matt to bring me an Arby's sandwich and a blizzard. I am going to be so sick tomorrow that I won't have a choice but to eat healthy!!

I stopped at the store on the way home and picked up some things. I was going to boil eggs at Monica's but totally forgot and now I have no hard boiled eggs! :(

Well, I better go get unpacked. Can't wait for tomorrow...NOT!!!!

Christina's before pictures and measurements

Here are my measurements:
height: 5'2"
weight: 136
upper arm: 12"
waist: 31.5"
hips: 39"
thigh: 22"
Ok, 10 pounds in 20 days, here we go!

Menu for August 31-Sept 6

OK, so maybe if I write my menu down a few days, or even a week, at a time, that will help me stay on track. It will be kind of difficult since I don't have a kitchen, so I will need to be creative.

Monday Breakfast: Smoothie
Monday Lunch: ????
Monday Dinner:
Chicken and brown rice

Tuesday Breakfast:
Tuesday Lunch: Tuna fish
Tuesday Dinner: Salmon and broccoli

Wednesday Breakfast: Cereal - not cocoa puffs :(
Wednesday Lunch: Salad
Wednesday Dinner: Chili

Snacks: hard boiled eggs, carrots, olives, pickle spears, applesauce, nuts, grapes, rice cakes.

This is really hard trying to figure out what to eat! I can't even get past Wednesday. I had better go to the store on my home. Tomorrow nights post will be very interesting!!

Jennie's before pictures and measurements

Here are the before pictures and measurements:

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 146 lbs
Upper Arm: 13"
Waist: 33"
Hips: 40"
Thighs: 22.5 "


10 lbs in 3 weeks, here I come!!

Monica's before pictures 8/30/09

Height 5-9
Weight 164.8...ouch
Arms 13'
Thighs 24'
Waist 33'
Hips 37''