Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Finally Home...

Busy day. Feels like they are all like that.

Got the kids to the bus by 7:30 and got back home to get ready for the gym and get Nathaniel ready. Loaded up the groceries and headed out after a bowl of cereal...again. :(- Ran for 30 minutes and did some weights, got a berry smoothie and headed to my parents. Oh, I also turned into McDonalds on accident. It was total auto pilot. I pulled in to the Fred Meyer lot to get gas and the next thing I new I was pulling into the drive through lane. I had to do some quick maneuvering to get my truck out of there and went to get the gas. Too funny!

Made chili, boiled eggs, did dishes that I brought from my bathtub, made little 160 calorie snack bags of trail mix (to avoid over eating) and watched 17 again while the baby napped. Had a bowl of chili and some trail mix (I know, not good, but not McDonalds!!) and loaded back up to get the kids from the bus. Now I need to get some things put away and get my kids to work on handwriting.

Hope you are all having a good day! I am going to have tuna for dinner...I think. My planning ahead never really works. :)