Sunday, September 20, 2009

Are we done?

I'm wondering if we're supposed to be posting "after" pictures now, or if we're continuing, or...?

Anyone, anyone, anyone...

Last week I only got to the gym one day, and the rest of the week was incredibly busy and stressful. On the upside, I got a new job. The downside of that of course is that my time is much more limited now because I have to start my training. I'm still going to try to fit in going to the gym and cooking a good dinner, but that's always a struggle with working, kids' school, kids' soccer, etc.

I did lose some weight over the past few weeks and I've seen some minor changes in my stomach and my legs, but I haven't taken any measurements yet. Let me know when to post my stats! I'm anxious to see how everyone else did too!