Friday, September 4, 2009

where has everyone been??

good afternoon ladies! where is my support?? where has everyone gone?? i posted pic's w/ not getting even one comment!! sniff sniff.... maybe everyone left already for the long weekend?? going slow today (even with the sun shinning bright!) had my smoothie for breakfast and getting ready to figure out what to have for lunch... check in ltr!


Jennie said...

I commented on your post right before you did your pics! I think you are doing an awesome job. Have you weighed yourself yet? I haven't. I am going to wait until Monday morning and hope for a big number! Kind of cheating though. My before weight was with clothes on and I plan to weigh in on Monday NAKED before I eat. Surely my number will go down a little! I'll have to weigh the clothes I was wearing to get an accurate number.

Keep up the good work, Erica. Get back to the gym classes.

Have a great weekend everyone! We are leaving early in the morning, so I will try to post tonight and then will be unavailable until Monday am.

Keep up the good work!

scrapper said...

yes i finally weighed in.... 145blah! very dissapointed in myself! i knew it had increased a little from the way my jeans fit after the first rain we got but sheesh! it was bad, bad bad!! can't wait for the day when my jeans aren't so skin tight!

hope everyone enjoys this last long weekend of the summer! be safe & have fun whatever you are doing!


Jennie said...

Hey! You're lighter than me!! :)

scrapper said...

not THAT much lighter silly!! i don't want to get tooo much lighter, just be able to fit in my jeans better....

Jennie said...

I agree! A little lighter in the belly would be nice so I don't have a muffin top. :)

scrapper said...

YES!! just say NO to the muffin top!!! lol!!