Friday, September 4, 2009

Day 5's food journal

Woke up in a total binge mood but managed to maintain some control over myself....

120 - kids cliff bar - cant seem to stay away from these :(
170 - 1 oz pistachios
60 - 1/2 oz beef jerky
70 - white chocolate lindt ball
0 - 32 oz diet coke
105 - 3 laughing cow cheese
130 - 14 rice crackers

I'll add the rest of my day later and total up those calories. Right now there is 180 calories in the form of a kilt lifter calling my name!

180 - kilt lifter
1/2 jerky
1/2 oz almonds
2 slices of pizza
120 - another of those cliff bars

7 mi walk through town and back (Garin checked his GPS, not 8 miles although my blisters say otherwise). Will total calories later but it aint gonna be pretty.


Jennie said...

That walk is 8 miles!!!