Friday, January 22, 2010

No running

Well, I'm glad I went to the gym on Sunday, because it's the only day this week I've been able to go. I probably could have gone on Monday or Tuesday, but other tasks were calling to me. Since Tuesday it's been alternately snowing and raining and it's been a total mess. Since yesterday afternoon, it's been snow. We're at about three feet now of snow, and it's not supposed to stop until tomorrow morning. Woohoo! So, I haven't been able to do any running, but I have shoveled my driveway and decks for four days in a row now. Not quite the same cardio workout, but I think it definitely counts as some weightlifting! My arms are rubber and my stomach is killing me, but it has to be done. My husband wasn't able to come home Wednesday night, but he made it yesterday. He's been working overtime delivering sand to the local firestations so that people can get sandbags during all these flash floods we're having. I miss him, but I'm proud of him :) Exercise and nutrition can take a backseat for a week.


Jennie said...

Sounds like you have your hands full! We are having a mild winter, which is nice. I think Shoveling is a great workout!