Friday, January 22, 2010

Gym Rat

I have been trying to eat better since Tuesday. I haven't been perfect, but I have been watching calories and have cut back a lot on things. I would love to have a perfect week of eating. I'm sure I would see some weight lose then. I go to the gym about 4 times a week and am there anywhere from 45 min to 2 hours. I usually have about 45 minutes of cardio and the rest is a strength training class like yoga, pilates, muscle pump, etc... Today I had a private pilates class! I was the only one who showed up, so that was fun.

Off to go make turkey for dinner. Take care!

No running

Well, I'm glad I went to the gym on Sunday, because it's the only day this week I've been able to go. I probably could have gone on Monday or Tuesday, but other tasks were calling to me. Since Tuesday it's been alternately snowing and raining and it's been a total mess. Since yesterday afternoon, it's been snow. We're at about three feet now of snow, and it's not supposed to stop until tomorrow morning. Woohoo! So, I haven't been able to do any running, but I have shoveled my driveway and decks for four days in a row now. Not quite the same cardio workout, but I think it definitely counts as some weightlifting! My arms are rubber and my stomach is killing me, but it has to be done. My husband wasn't able to come home Wednesday night, but he made it yesterday. He's been working overtime delivering sand to the local firestations so that people can get sandbags during all these flash floods we're having. I miss him, but I'm proud of him :) Exercise and nutrition can take a backseat for a week.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Beautiflul day!

Hey there, It is such a beautiful day out today! I went to the gym and took the yoga class and then Matt and I took the kids for a run/walk. The big kids rode bikes and Nate was in the jog stroller. Matt and I mostly walked. I ran a bit, but it is so much harder on pavement. I had better do a little bit more of that. I need to start the 5K challenge. All in all we did 3.6 miles in about 55 minutes, so not too bad.

Food is still a big issue. I went to the store yesterday and in the checkout line there was a special of ding one get one free. Of course they ended up in my cart and the first box of 12 are already gone. The kids had 3 total. Guess who ate the remaining 9? Example...Jennie gets up, makes pancakes and eggs for everyone to eat but has a ding dong for herself. She then goes to yoga class, walks 3.6 miles and then comes home and...eats another ding dong. come I don't see any changes??? It's so frustrating. The other food I am eating is pretty good, it's the additional bad stuff that is the problem.

Hope you all are doing better then me. I need to get the journal out. Maybe that will help. Gonna take a shower. Bye!

Rain, rain...

I know, all of you in Washington are thinking "yeah, so?" We're suppposed to get anywhere between 10 inches of rain to 10 feet of snow this week, so I'm not sure how much running I'm going to be able to get in this week. Today it's just rain, so for that I'm thankful. I'm also thankful I don't live in a burn area for the first time in several years.

Yesterday I ran week 3, day 1 of c25k, and made plans with two friends to run a 5k in April. I found a run close to home, and it benefits a local Search and Rescue team who gets 50% of their funding from the event. I honestly haven't weighed myself in about two weeks, but judging by looking at my body, I could be doing better! The eating is the downfall, as it is for all of us. I'm good about cooking almost every night, it's a matter of what I'm cooking and how much butter is in it. It's an area I need to keep improving!

Since it's only raining today, I'll probably try to get to the gym again before snow hits. Good luck everyone!

Friday, January 15, 2010

I did it!

Well, I didn't get to try to run the other day because I forgot my music and i new that I would need it to do any length of a run. Of course, it turned out I had the music all along. I just didn't look in all the right spots! I did bike 6 miles (about 30 Minutes), so I got some cardio in.

Today I made the whole 3.1 miles in 42 min. I only had to walk for a little two different times. Once at .83 and started running again at 1 mile and then again at 1.78 and then started running for the remainder of the time. I finished off with a sprint!

Afterwards I took the pilates course. I felt so bad for the people around me. I smelled so bad from the running! I don't usually smell like that! Yikes! So embarrassing. Anyway, I dripped sweat for just under 2 hours and then of course I came home and ruined it all (like always) by eating absolutley horribly! I bet I wold be down at least 5 lbs by now if I was eating healthy. It's so hard. I have cut back on the fast food a lot, so now I need to get the junk out of the house. I went to the store after the gym yesterday and got frozen pizzas, trail mix (the yummy kind!), raisenettes and other bad, yummy stuff.

OK. i gotta go. the kids call...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Well, I'm still doing good at going to the gym. Not doing so good with the eating. I need to make more of an effort in that department. I actually might see results if I ate better! Tomorrow I am going to try to run/walk a whole 3.1 miles at the gym. My goal is just to finish it.

That's all folks!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Kind of on the wagon

It's been quiet on here! I am still trying to eat well. I have not been doing as good as I would like. I have been consistent with the gym. I took the weekend off and will be back tomorrow. I went four times last week. I haven't weighed myself yet, but will try to do so tomorrow. I have put it off because I haven't been eating as healthy as I should be. I am trying, though. Oatmeal for breakfast. Getting used to it. Snacked on carrots this afternoon. I did bake brownies for company yesterday and ate WAY too many. Bad, bad, bad. That's about all of my news for now.

I should go and help put kids to bed. Adios!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Little setback??

So, Matt and I have a video to watch tonight and I am hungry and I might have sort of kind of asked him to go get blizzards. Hmmm... that's ok, right? For the last three nights I have been eating oranges or celery with peanut butter or fat free popcorn as a night snack, so I don't feel horrible about it, but maybe a little guilty. I am planning on going to the gym in the morning for a muscle pump class and some treadmill. Another hurdle will be running errands tomorrow. I will be gone all day and lunch time might be a problem. I will let you know how I do. Goodnight!

Still going strong

It's Wednesday and I am on day 4. Still doing pretty good. Taking a break from the gym today and will be back in there tomorrow. I haven't had fast food since Saturday and for me, this is a huge accomplishment! I did meet Matt for breakfast this morning, but since I am not a big breakfast person, I didn't eat much. Not much else is new, I guess. Anyone else out there?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day three

Today is day three of healthier eating and exercise. I have been eating a lot of fruits and veggies and running or taking classes at the gym. My whole body is hurting, but it will be worth it if I can see results. My problem is that I want to see instant results and get frustrated and want to quit right away. I will weigh myself at the end of the week and hopefully will get a lower number. More important than my weight is how I feel in my own skin. That's about it. Hope to hear from others out there as well.