Monday, August 31, 2009

So I'm all about rewarding myself when I eat healthy

One of my staples when eating healthy is almonds. Not the salty / sugary flavored almonds but the raw almonds. They are so stink'n good for you and I think taste good, especially if you're loking for something with a little crunch. Costco by the way is the best place to buy raw almonds in bulk without breaking the bank. You can find them in the baking isle.

Anyway, an ounce is a serving which is about 23 almonds. Usually they are kept in a bag in my car, purse or pocket for emergencies or just to snack on but I just found the coolest little thing!!! It's a almond tin. It holds exactly one ounce and is only $2 bucks. Because my kids also eat almonds I've gotten one for everyone in the whole family. - Great for kids lunches too BTW - So here's a link if you're interested.....

Treat yourself to's much less painful then the belly button peircing!


Christina said...

Very cool, I'll have to check that out! And many, MANY things are less painful than a belly button piercing. Yes, I know from experience.

Jennie said...

I hate almonds!

scrapper said...

coscto is the cheapest place to buy raw almonds!! i crave them!! mix em w/ raisins, craisins or whatever dried fruit you can think of and it's a yummy snack!

Jennie said...

Am I the only one that doesn't like almonds?