Monday, August 31, 2009

2nd 1/2 of day 1

100 in misc calories + 220 Lara Bar + 170 pitascios + another 16 oz diet coke + the rest of my jerky 160 + the 340 from this morning puts me at 990 for the day.

"Well aint that sweet!", she says with a southern twang. I can have a beer with my carrots and still be under 1200.


Didn't do too bad, considering...

Ok, so I cheated a little this evening, but for me I did really well! This morning I had oatmeal and coffee with NO sugar, then I made myself a banana, blueberry, and rasberry smoothie. Just fruit and ice. I had soup and a Diet Coke for lunch, then pork chops, brown rice, corn, and a salad with Italian dressing for dinner, plus another Diet Coke. I indulged in one beer (friends brought them and I just didn't have the willpower!), and one small chocolate chip cookie. I drank my water throughout the day though, and I did the treadmill for 50 minutes this morning (high incline, 3.5 mph). So, I wasn't perfect, but I think that all in all, it was a good day!

I'm better now

Sorry for the dismal post earlier today. I was a wreck. I am still tired, but know it just a normal, end of day tired. I was very good, but not perfect. Here is a rundown:
  • Organic raisen bran with flax seed
  • Applesauce
  • Baby carrots
  • Salad (while I watched everyone else have pizza @ Godfathers!)
  • Sm. handful of peanuts
  • Chili
  • 100 calorie grasshopper cookies (I had bought a box last week and there are a couple left. I can't just through them away!!! I won't buy anymore, I promise!)
  • Water (probably not enough)
I did go to the gym this morning and did 26 minutes cardio (half running, half fast walk) and then some quick weights. I didn't have a ton of time since we were heading to the kids new school.
Tomorrow I hope to get to the gym again.

I hope you all had a great day. Erica, I can come over Wednesday morning if you want to do pictures. Or Thursday.

Goodnight ladies! And gentleman...if there are any out there! Wally? Are you joining us?

I'm going to die!!

I am so tired that I can barely put two words together. We stopped on the way home to get some chicken to BBQ and Matt went to start the BBQ and there is no propane. I have been good all day and I really wanted some meat for dinner. I still have some frozen chili that I can warm up. Need to get some energy so I can look through the posts. Hope you all are feeling better than I am.


So I'm all about rewarding myself when I eat healthy

One of my staples when eating healthy is almonds. Not the salty / sugary flavored almonds but the raw almonds. They are so stink'n good for you and I think taste good, especially if you're loking for something with a little crunch. Costco by the way is the best place to buy raw almonds in bulk without breaking the bank. You can find them in the baking isle.

Anyway, an ounce is a serving which is about 23 almonds. Usually they are kept in a bag in my car, purse or pocket for emergencies or just to snack on but I just found the coolest little thing!!! It's a almond tin. It holds exactly one ounce and is only $2 bucks. Because my kids also eat almonds I've gotten one for everyone in the whole family. - Great for kids lunches too BTW - So here's a link if you're interested.....

Treat yourself to's much less painful then the belly button peircing!

Day 1

Well, for breakfast (or lunch depending on when you get up) I had my daily diet coke and some beef jerky. I know, not the breakfast of champions but I did limit myself to 16oz of DC and got the plain flavored beef jerky vs the teriyaki. That was 160 calories. Lunch, sante fe soup, another 180 calories. Exercise, that's funny, no, I don't exercise. Did do lots of stretching in an attempt to regain the range of motion I had in my youth and signed up for a beginning yoga class...does that count?

So far so good but the evenings are my weakness so deep breath and on with the rest of the day. Good luck ladies!

Day One for Chris

Ok, so this morning I had some sugar free instant oatmeal (Safeway brand, flavored without the sugar, and only 100 calories!). I really wish we had Safeway out here...Anyway, I'm eating my oatmeal and I'm having coffee without any sugar in it. Ugh. Now I'm off to brush the girls' hair, take the kids to school, then I'm off to the gym to workout for an hour! Good luck everyone!

Day one!!

It's 7:40 in the morning of Day one and I have not had anything unhealthy to eat. Well, ok, I have only been awake about 5 minutes, but it's me we're talking about !! Going to go have my healthy cereal for breakfast and figure out what we are going to do on this last day of summer vacation.

Good luck today, ladies!!

By the way, I am not seeing too many before pictures or posts up here! :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Last night...

I have had nothing but junk the last two days, the last year, but who's counting. :) Let's see...Fries, cookies, licorice, burgers, ice cream, fries, cookies, donuts, pop, mocha's, you get the picture! Now I am home waiting for Matt to bring me an Arby's sandwich and a blizzard. I am going to be so sick tomorrow that I won't have a choice but to eat healthy!!

I stopped at the store on the way home and picked up some things. I was going to boil eggs at Monica's but totally forgot and now I have no hard boiled eggs! :(

Well, I better go get unpacked. Can't wait for tomorrow...NOT!!!!

Christina's before pictures and measurements

Here are my measurements:
height: 5'2"
weight: 136
upper arm: 12"
waist: 31.5"
hips: 39"
thigh: 22"
Ok, 10 pounds in 20 days, here we go!

Menu for August 31-Sept 6

OK, so maybe if I write my menu down a few days, or even a week, at a time, that will help me stay on track. It will be kind of difficult since I don't have a kitchen, so I will need to be creative.

Monday Breakfast: Smoothie
Monday Lunch: ????
Monday Dinner:
Chicken and brown rice

Tuesday Breakfast:
Tuesday Lunch: Tuna fish
Tuesday Dinner: Salmon and broccoli

Wednesday Breakfast: Cereal - not cocoa puffs :(
Wednesday Lunch: Salad
Wednesday Dinner: Chili

Snacks: hard boiled eggs, carrots, olives, pickle spears, applesauce, nuts, grapes, rice cakes.

This is really hard trying to figure out what to eat! I can't even get past Wednesday. I had better go to the store on my home. Tomorrow nights post will be very interesting!!

Jennie's before pictures and measurements

Here are the before pictures and measurements:

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 146 lbs
Upper Arm: 13"
Waist: 33"
Hips: 40"
Thighs: 22.5 "


10 lbs in 3 weeks, here I come!!

Monica's before pictures 8/30/09

Height 5-9
Weight 164.8...ouch
Arms 13'
Thighs 24'
Waist 33'
Hips 37''