Friday, June 13, 2008

Notes from Vegetarian Journal Sept/Oct 1999

Grains are the seed bearing fruits of grasses. An inedible husk, also called chaff, is the outermost layer of the grain. When this is removed the resulting product is sometimes labeled "groats" or "berries".

"Steel cut" or "cracked" grains have been cut into smaller bits so they cook faster.

Grain flakes or rolled grains are sliced and then flattened between rollers.

Grain meal has been ground to a gritty consistency

Bolted meal has been sifted to remove bran but not the germ

De germinated meal has had both bran and germ removed.

Grits have been steamed and soaked, have had both hulls and germs removed and have been cut using rollers

All grains are low in fat and contain no cholesterol - Low in sodium (unless salt is added)

Whole grain protects against cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity.