Thursday, September 27, 2007

Something missing?

We've certainly heard more than a few times that processed foods probably won't contain all the nutritional value that they had originally, but what about the healthy organic foods? Do they contain what you expect? I ran across a New York Times article that casts a little doubt.

Kids who go organic for breakfast may be missing out on their vitamins.

Since the 1940’s, commercial cereal companies have been adding vitamins to their flakes, puffs and O’s in order to replace nutrients stripped away during the manufacturing process. But the main appeal of organic cereals is that they’re made with only natural, organically grown ingredients free of additives, including artificial preservatives and colors — and often, vitamins.
If we have been practicing what Jayne Benkendorf preached, then we would already know this from reading labels. I just love running into stories that reinforce what we are doing. Some day the rest of the world might catch up to Prism.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Words of Wisdom

John Boyle O'Reilly:

"How shall I a habit break?
As you did that habit make.
As you gathered, you must lose;
As you yielded, now refuse.
Thread by thread, the strands we twist,
Till they bind us neck and wrist.
Thread by thread, the patient hand,
Must untwine ere free we stand."

I like this quote in regards to unhealthy habits of eating, self sabatoge, etc. PRISM is all about diving deeper than our outward appearances and in doing that we are asked to deal with bad habits. Easier said then done but something worthy of striving for non the less. Actually........ not just worthy, but necessary in order for this to be a lifelong change.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Deadly Weapons

Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for God's glory.

Disregard for the physical aspect of life can greatly contribute to spiritual dryness. This means that a certain amount of discipline must be introduced into our lives. But what kind of discipline?

Firstly, we need discipline in what and how much we eat. Every meal should be a sacrament offered on the altar of fitter and finer living. Doctors tell us that excess food - as well as too little food - destroys brain power. What is in the stomach often determines what is in the head.

Scripture says, "the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking" (Rm 14:17). But it is not a contradiction of that verse to say that often our food and drink determine our fitness for the kingdom of God.

Seneca, in an exaggerated statement made for the sake of emphasis, said, "Man does not die: he kills himself."Dr. R. L. Greene, a professor of chemistry and a specialist in nutrition, says, "The most deadly weapons used by man in committing suicide are the knife, fork, and spoon."

You may be repelled at the idea of committing suicide - and so you should be - but you may well be contributing to your death by choosing wrong ways of eating.

We need discipline also to ensure that we get at least the minimum amount of vitamins. Vitamins are necessary to vitality; they are God's gift to us. The divine Chemist has designed our bodies to work in a certain way. And if we ignore His prescription for health, we reduce our physical effectiveness, which can also reduce our spiritual effectiveness.

Daily Prayer

O Father, help me recognize that physical vitality contributes to spiritual vitality. May I respect the body You have given me and pay attention to the laws of health that You have built into the universe. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Thanks Penny for sharing this timely devotion!

Lentil Soup with Brown Rice

This recipe is out of the Sonoma Diet Cookbook. Pg 41

3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
1 cup chopped onion
1 cup chopped celery
6 cloves garlic, minces (1 tbsp)
8 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth
½ cup long grain brown rice
2 cups chopped tomato
¾ cup dry brown lentils, rinsed & drained
1 tbsp chopped fresh Thyme
1 tbsp chopped fresh oregano
1 tbsp lemon juice
¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper
2 tbsp finely shredded Asiago Cheese

1. In a 4 qt dutch oven heat olive oil over medium heat. Add onion, celery, and garlic; cook about 5 minutes or until tender, stirring occasionally. Stir in broth and uncooked brown rice. Bring to a boiling; reduce heat. Simmer uncovered, for 10 minutes. Stir in tomato and lentils. Return to boiling; reduce heat. Cover and simmer about 30 minutes more or until rice and lentils are tender
2. Stir in thyme, oregano, lemon juice, and pepper. Top individual servings with asiago cheese and, if desired thyme sprigs and/or oregano leaves.

1 cup serving has 257 calories

Saturday, September 1, 2007

An Easy Omega Source!

Hello transforming people!!! Phase Three Prism people know that my husband just decided to eat the Prism way about two weeks ago! He has extremely high blood pressure and cholesterol. I am so glad that he decided to change!!!

In Week Five and Six we received a great Prism handout of "Essential Fatty Acids and Beneficial Oils". I re-read it and discovered that many of my husband's cravings were due to a need for essential fatty acids which are Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9's. I also wanted a more natural way to be sure to get these great Omegas.

These Omegas moisturize the skin, nourish listless hair, and will help you say good-bye to brittle nails. They also lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart attack, protect arteries, help burn fat and help the body decrease fat production. They are also very helpful for people with high blood pressure and diabetes!

Nuts and seeds have been the easy answer!!! It is a tasty way to add Omegas into our daily food list!!! Two things to remember are that the nuts and seeds must be raw and they do their best work if eaten in the morning or earlier in the day. They can be found at the Fred Meyer Nutrition Center and probably at the Co-op.

The following has been very useful to us and perhaps for you, too.

Raw walnut 1/2 = 12 calories

Raw Brazil nut 1 = 23 calories

Raw pumpkin seeds 1/8 ounce = 20 calories

Raw pistachio nut 1 = 12 calories

Raw pine nuts 1 teaspoon = 17 calories

Raw sunflower seeds 1/8 ounce = 20 calories

Raw almonds 1 = 6 calories

Raw cashews 1 teaspoon = 31 calories

Raw shelled peanuts 1/2 teaspoon = 1/8 ounce = 22 calories

I combine one or so of the nuts or seeds from each Omega group a day and alternate the choices every day.

We are transforming!!!