Thursday, August 19, 2010

Down 3 lbs!!

This morning I weighed myself and found that I had lost 3 lbs in 3 days. Yipee!!

Today I am way under my calories, but not too hungry. I get hungry, but it doesn't take much for me to feel full again. I made myself celery sticks with peanut butter and I was full after 1 and a half sticks. Made a healthy dinner and hated it, so after a few bites I quit eating it and warmed up meatballs from last night. At this point I am only at about 805 calories. I am way behind in my water for today. Only one glass. Need to do better tomorrow.

Wished that someone was doing this with me. :<( Oh well. At least I have it for myself to look back on. I am hoping to make my original goal from the beginning of the year of 10 lbs in 3 weeks.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's late and I 'm tired so gonna keep it brief. Still doing good. About 1130 Calories today.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Doing good!

So, last night I did end up having some popcorn before bed and that added a whopping 60 calories to my final number putting me at 1076.

Today I ended at around 850. I know that is not enough, but I feel full. Eggs and oj for breakfast. Some cheese, wheat thins and an apple for lunch. Not sure on the wheat thins numbers, but since I am way under, I figure that I am still in the right range. I had a quarter cup of trail mix that I had sitting in a bowl so I would just grab a little pinch when i felt a craving coming on. No, I did not pick out the M&M's, to eat or avoid. :>) Dinner was a half of a tostada salad and I didn't eat any shell. We had dinner out with our community group, so I am happy that I made a healthy choice. I had to hold two cheese pizzas on my lap for the kids and then serve them up and, OHHH, they looked so good.

Gotta get the kids to bed. Two full days down and the worst I did was maybe about 10 m&Ms. Not sure about the wheat thins. need to look that up...

Monday, August 16, 2010

Back at it...again

I haven't fallen asleep yet, so I can't say this with all certainty, but I made it through the day on the prism diet. I got through the store checking labels and putting lots of stuff back. I endured kids eating donut holes and resisted the cocoa puffs that are in the pantry. It got really hard around 6:00, but I am done eating for the day and logged 1016 calories and 4-5 glasses of water (lost count). I will take another one with me to bed. I still have a little time before bed, but I am pretty cure I can make it.

I have started this time around at 150 lbs. Looking back on an old food journal shows that I was at 146 lbs last August, so at least I haven't gained too much more. I am fatter though. I have lost all my muscle and put fat in it's place.

Hope and pray I can keep this up and get back to the weight I was a few years ago. I got down to 126 lbs. We'll see...