Thursday, July 26, 2007

Just rambling on

I've been spending a bit of time reading around on the subject of refined sugar, refined flour and carbs in general. The skeptic in me, sometime referred to as the great deceiver, has me always thinking about whether or not PRISM is a fad diet that will come crashing to an end sometime in the near future.

I keep finding though, that the path we are on seems to be right in sync with what most nutritionists and doctors are saying. But, papers I have read online as well as my doctor himself also seem to think that the biggest pitfall with programs like PRISM is that people don't have the strength to stick with it long enough to retrain their bodies about how and what to eat. I guess this is where I think our group lends itself to success. We are not relying just on ourselves for strength. I would have quit by now if that were the case! No, we rely on the strength of ourselves and our group, but primarily we rely on God's immeasurable strength. Lucky for us He joined the group.

OK, well, that was a bunch of words I didn't plan on typing. I really just wanted to share this doctor's blog. He seems to encompass most of the things we are learning about in PRISM.

We should be eating what the Lord has provided. - We should strive to eat, as often as possible, the food that comes out of the ground, as fruit of the earth. The less that man has altered it, the better it will be for us. I cheer inside when I observe that refreshments served at Church functions include a wholesome vegetable tray or fruit plate, rather than the typical brownies and cookies.

Our journey toward more vibrant health has brought us to a point where we are starting to listen more carefully to our bodies. The results have—usually—been positive, except when we hear but fail to heed what our bodies are telling us. King Benjamin taught: “Now, if you believe all these things, see that ye do them.”

As you're racing to find out more about King Benjamin, make sure you grab your Book of Mormon and not your Bible. Brother Dr. Stanley Gardner or Dr. Brother Stanley Gardner appears to be Mormon with a leaning towards Eastern medicine/religion, but overall I find that he maintains a God centered perspective on health. I wonder if recalling that little piece of LDS trivia is why God delivered baby Garin to a Mormon home? Remember this post is titled "Just rambling on"

There are lots good of articles to be found at his blog, but here are links to a few I really liked. He even references our old friend Dr. Udi-do in one of his articles. :)

EATING: Gourmet, or Gluttony?

Alternatives to Traditional Medicine


DIABETES: Critical Information You Should Know