Thursday, July 18, 2013

Eating Clean

When we first began this journey, I was actually in pretty good shape. I had been working out a lot, and I only needed to lose ten more pounds to get to my ideal weight. If I remember correctly, I weighed around 135 to maybe 140. I look at my "before" picture, and I have to say that's now become my goal!

I've had a lot of ups and downs since then, emotionally and physically. I've battled depression and anxiety, I've been put on anti-depressants and been going to therapy. I've moved, I've taken on a lot more responsibilities in my life outside of work, and my husband is home less and less often because of work and his hobbies. The kids continue to get older, which brings more freedom, but also different stresses and challenges. So, there's my list of excuses. That list of excuses has led me to giving up on my exercise and continuing to eat all the junk that fuels my depression and feeling sore and lethargic. It has also led me to weighing the most I've ever weighed except for when I was pregnant or had just delivered. Last week I weighed in at 175. That really hurt. That now means that I am 50 pounds away from my goal weight. I'm trying really hard not to be overwhelmed by that number.

I have been using the Shaklee 180 off and on for a few months, but I've now kicked it into high gear. I had been eating my two shakes a day, but then my meal and snacks haven't always been the best choices. Just recently I joined an accountability group of friends, and we meet once per week to talk about nutrition, our challenges, and our victories. This has been really helpful for keeping me on track, as well as making some new friends and getting to know some more people. I've also recently been making strides toward eating clean. A few months ago, I gave up soda. As you know, Diet Coke has been my life force since I was five years old or so, so this was a radical change for me. I don't miss it. I also gave up flavored coffee creamer, which was another big addiction for me. I'm eating more and more organic, and weeding out processed, packaged, and fast foods. Today I went to a local farmers market for the first time, and I absolutely loved it! We got so much great stuff, it was so good and so decently priced. Lots of great produce, including the sweetest fruit I've ever had in my life. I would really like to plant some of my own vegetables, but finances and the unbelievable heat are preventing me from doing that this summer. I'm hoping to build some boxes in the fall so that the kids and I can start having some fun :) I also was having a lot of trouble with my dosage of meds, so have been off of them completely for about six weeks now. I feel great. I've been religious about my supplements, and that combined with eating better and moving more have made a huge difference in my moods and anxiety. Additionally, it is summer break, so I realize that when the stress returns in another month I may feel differently, but I'm really trying to deal with it as naturally as possible.

Anyway, that's where I am. If you're at all curious about what exactly it is that I'm doing, you can check out, and I'm following the guidelines laid out by Tosca Reno in her Eat Clean books. I'll keep you posted!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A different direction

Ok, so I'm heading a different direction with my eating plan...I don't want to divulge the details until I see how successful I am!  I am cutting out as much sugar and carbs as possible though, although not completely cutting them out.  I have been successful in losing some weight in the last six weeks since Family Camp, so I'm still doing well, just looking to ramp it up while also finding an eating plan that I can live with.

So, my starting point:  144.4 pounds, 30% body fat

The body fat part bothers me more than the weight.  In all other aspects, I'm 100% healthy as a horse.  I'll let you know!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 2 underway

I weighed in at 147.8 this morning, yay!  I'm on Day 2 of the anti-bloat jumpstart of the Flat Belly Diet.  I stuck to the plan yesterday, with the exception of coffee in the morning.  I have to have coffee in the morning in order to avoid the caffeine withdrawls from not having soda throughout the day.  I also worked out yesterday for the first time in a long, long time.  I didn't do much, but I did do some weights and I walked and jogged one and a half miles.  So far so good!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Down 4 pounds

This week I've lost 4 pounds.  I know that a lot of it is due to increasing my water intake and decreasing my caffeine and eating I did at camp, but I'm still happy about it!  So, I'm at 148 today, which is definitely progress in the right direction.  It's a relief to be under 150, actually.  On Monday, Andy and I will start the Flat Belly Diet again, and I'll also start working out again.  I'm looking forward to the benefits of working out, but to be honest, I'm really dreading actually doing it.  Still, I just need to keep the end goal in mind!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Yes, it is that bad

I've been kidding myself for the past year that my weight isn't that bad.  Really, in the overall scheme of things, I'm not that overweight.  Andy and I lost some weight around the holidays, because he had finally been put on meds for his high blood pressure.  That was great for a couple of months, and then I got busy and didn't have time for meal planning, shopping, and cooking.  So, I gained all the weight back of course.  Still, I told myself it wasn't that big of a deal, I'm still not THAT big.  Last week, the whole family spent the week up at Family Camp in Idyllwild.  At the end of the week, the director showed a slideshow of the pictures he took of people throughout the week.  After seeing myself in three or four pictures (do I really look like that from the side?), I was a little disgusted with myself.  I decided I can't kid myself anymore, and I don't want to lie to myself anymore.  I don't want to set unrealistic goals, I don't want to be a waif, and I don't want to obsess over food.  Still, I have to do something.  I'm going to restart the Flat Belly Diet, which is what I did in the winter.  Of the different eating plans or diets I've done, this is my favorite by far.  Now that our move is over, I'm also going to start working out again (we live closer to a nicer gym type facility).  I'm going to take my measurements again as soon as I unpack whatever box my tape is in, but my weight today is 151, and I'm a size 8, fitting a little snugly.  I'm putting that out there to share with you all, I hope that you are having much more success than I have been!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Down 3 lbs!!

This morning I weighed myself and found that I had lost 3 lbs in 3 days. Yipee!!

Today I am way under my calories, but not too hungry. I get hungry, but it doesn't take much for me to feel full again. I made myself celery sticks with peanut butter and I was full after 1 and a half sticks. Made a healthy dinner and hated it, so after a few bites I quit eating it and warmed up meatballs from last night. At this point I am only at about 805 calories. I am way behind in my water for today. Only one glass. Need to do better tomorrow.

Wished that someone was doing this with me. :<( Oh well. At least I have it for myself to look back on. I am hoping to make my original goal from the beginning of the year of 10 lbs in 3 weeks.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's late and I 'm tired so gonna keep it brief. Still doing good. About 1130 Calories today.